Workers in red zones were also finding it difficult to travel to factories in orange and green zones. Milon Nag, managing director of Pune-based KK Nag Ltd said, “Our factories in rural areas are open. But our managers and all live in Pune and they are unable to reach factories.”
West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee had in March announced free foodgrains and ration under the public distribution system for the next six months. The state also asked the Centre to raise the number of man-days allotted to it this year under MGNREGA.
The digital repository that is being launched could include a list of tools such as automated accounting, tax reconciliation, cloud services, cyber security, video conferencing, online meetings available free to MSMEs for a limited period of time.
Lyft said rides on its service fell nearly 80% in late March and remained down 75% in mid-April. In May, passengers began to return cautiously to Lyft, but rides were still down 70%, Lyft executives said on a Wednesday earnings call with financial analysts.
According to the RBI Monetary Policy Report, 36 banks out of 62 banks have adopted repo rate as an external benchmark whereas six banks have adopted the market-based benchmarks such as CD rate, 3-month treasury bill etc.
Normally, one can defer payment by paying 'minimum due amount' and roll over the balance outstanding amount to the next month. In this process, the unpaid amount is carried forward to the next billing cycle and 2-4 percent interest is levied on it.
According to the bank, "The objective of this loan is to provide ease to tide over the liquidity mismatch to existing customers." The customer can approach their existing branches to avail this personal loan up to a maximum limit Rs 5 lakh
Here are the charges, terms and conditions of availing the three-month equated monthly instalment (EMI) moratorium from Tata capital financial services. These are details as mentioned on Tata Capital's website for financial services.
To pay this additional interest, you may get an option to either increase your loan tenure without increasing your EMI amount or increase your EMI amount without increasing your loan tenure or make a one-time payment of the interest in June month.